Ratu Sumedanglarang


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

concept unveiled

That bit of formula in her mind or can also akhwat. A simple formula but it is very dangerous. Where did the origins of this formula? It could be from the media or by public opinion which had also been poisoned by the media-both print and electronic-that beauty is only skin deep out there. All citizens of Indonesia as a word that is beautiful is a white, tall, long nose, red lips, his eyes sharp, thin, etc.. As a result many womenfolk who like to have a beautiful image as depicted in public, they are tempted to buy cosmetics that can realize their dreams and begin to neglect the corridor shari'ah has set limits to look beautiful. There are anxiously rubbing the skin whitening, straightening hair, shaved eyebrows, curling eyelashes, painting the hair to make sharp nose in business through a series of silicon treatment, etc.. In short, they want to look as beautiful as the cover model, or commercials qadarullah pengajian friend look attractive. So no wonder every time I passed the largest cosmetic shop in my town, the store had never deserted by clamorous womenfolk who choose to sort the rows of cosmetic and mematut window in front of the mirror while listening to the sweet seduction of the mba SPG.
Beautiful words have been reduced so much by the media, so many beautiful overlook the real nature. They were busy polishing the outer skin without care for their hearts increasingly arid. The goal? Clearly, to add a row of fans and that could later be easier to find a spouse, how naive. In fact, many of my friends my study of successful marriage is not including a beautiful woman or a lot of cases that appeared in the media that's beautiful and that her marriage was finally abandoned. Thus, there is no correlation between the beautiful and successful life!.

My friends who successfully married although not very pretty but very pleasant personality, they are not too focused on the rehabilitation of the outer skin but they are more concerned with continuing recovery of faith so evident in the attitude and principles of their lives, not brittle solid. Also, if someone is looking pretty they were covered with a veil so that her beauty is not a trial for the adam and only dedicated to her husband alone, Subhanalloh. One word that kept reverberating in their life that is thankful to what has Alloh give without demanding more, ridho with body shape and curve of her face because it is conferred Alloh best form according to him, instead of by the media or our shallow minds. If we could choose, have a face and personality are pretty much better but not everyone is blessed with such a thing, that's the all-court Alloh, there are advantages and disadvantages of self of each person. And one thing is certain, all people behave according to their understanding, if we are diligent in their studies of religion InsyaAlloh our movements according to the science we have. So it is with women who fixed on physical beauty alone, according to my assumption, they are victims of advertising and lack of perseverance to study religion, so was born the women shallow minded, easily tempted and teased. To quote one hadith, the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam said:

"Who Alloh want good for him, he Alloh will pahamkan in religion" (Sahih, Agreed upon).

Described above hadith by Sheikh Ibn Baz that he showed the virtue of science. If Alloh want a slave that is good, Alloh'll get the hang of his religion so he can know what is right and what is false, where the error where the instructions. With all he can know his Lord with the name and attributes of Him and know His majesty rights. He will know the end will be obtained by the trustee and the enemies Alloh Alloh.

Shaykh Ibn Baz also warned further study of how urgent the shari'ah:

"The science syar'i, should be prosecuted by any person (Fardhu 'ain), because Alloh created the jinn and man to worship and devoted to Him. While there is no way to worship and devoted to science except shar'i, the science of the Qur'an and Sunnah as ".

Dus, aware from the beginning that we do not Alloh created in vain. We are required to worship Him continually. Science of religion that we must explore is the knowledge that Ittibaurrasul (modeled after the Prophet) as the best understanding of the previous generation (salafusshalih), it is the main task and duty. If we learned we would necessarily know that to shave my eyebrows (an-namishah), tattoos (al-wasyimah), filing teeth (al-mutafallijah) or contemporary trends such as connecting with a real hair wig (al-washilah) was unlawful because the deed these actions include changing the creation Alloh. The rules of the shari'ah is a complete set of rules and universal, so the desire to beautify themselves should still adheres to the rules of syara 'so we do not bring beauty and wrath Alloh catastrophe. What is pretty good but not the heart or pretty peaceful but cursed by Alloh and His apostles, after all the physical beauty will not last long, he just false. There are more beautiful before Alloh, Lord of the Worlds, the beauty of the heart which will affect the noble morality and berbalaskan heaven. Many self-introspection multiply (muhasabah), identify what is still lacking and quickly addressed. Do not follow the steps we neglect the devil with the main task for polishing the outer skin is not free, it takes time and costs are not small. Is not spending money (wasteful) was a friend of the devil?. SO, let us change little by little about the paradigm of beauty.


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